Charlie Heaton Workout Routine & Diet Plan 2023

Charlie Heaton is an English actor best known for his parts in the Netflix shows Stranger Things and The New Mutants. His roles in the movies “As You Are” and “Shut In” also made him famous. In addition to working in films and TV, Charlie Heaton likes to work out.

He often posts pictures and videos of his workout routine on his Instagram account. Charlie Heaton works out by lifting weights, cardiovascular exercises, and stretching. Charlie Heaton’s works out are a great way to get into shape. It is important to remember, though, that everyone’s body is different, and not everyone will be able to follow his routine. Before starting a new workout plan, you must talk to a doctor or a personal trainer.

Charlie Heaton Body Measurements

Height5 ft 7 inches
Weight69 Kg
Age28 years
Chest38 inches
Waist13 inches

Charlie Heaton Workout Routine

Charlie Heaton

The way Charlie Heaton works out shows that you don’t need a lot of time to stay fit. The actor, who is 23 years old, only works out four days a week. He is filming or taking it easy the rest of the time. But what does Heaton do to work out?

Charlie Heaton’s workouts include lifting weights, doing cardio, and working on his core. He starts his workout with a five-minute warm-up, and then he does a circuit of eight exercises that work for all the major muscle groups. He does some cardio after the course and then finishes a core circuit. The workouts are complex, but they don’t last long.

Heaton says he never works out for more than 45 minutes, including his warm-up and cool-down. Heaton’s workout routine is an excellent example of how to get a lot done in a short amount of time. This routine is for you if you want to get in shape but don’t have much time to work out.

Charlie Heaton’s favorite exercises are the overhead press, which is great for building shoulder strength, the lateral raise, which is excellent for building core strength, and the plank (for abdominal toning). In addition to these three main exercises, he suggests that you add sprints and explosive lifts with resistance bands or weights to your routine. With these different moves, you can work on other body parts while getting more robust and flexible.

Charlie Heaton’s workout routine includes:

Overhead Press

The overhead press is a classic exercise for building muscle that works your upper chest, shoulders, and triceps. To do an overhead press, put your hands about shoulder-width apart on a stable object and hold yourself there. Bend your elbows to point down, then push your body up until your arms are fully extended above your head. Bring yourself back down to the starting position to stop the movement.

Lateral Raises

One of the most common exercises in the world, lateral raises are a great way to work your chest, shoulders, and triceps. To do this exercise right, lie on your back with your palms flat on the floor. Bend both arms until your hands are above shoulder height and lift them toward the ceiling. Pay attention to keeping your abs pulled in as you do this. Slowly move them back to where they started.


This exercise is a great way to tone your core, glutes, and the rest of your body. Start by lying on the ground with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Set your hands shoulder-width apart on either side of your hips. Press into the palms of your hands to push yourself up onto your forearms or stacked heels (if using). Hold each position for two minutes, then slowly move back to the starting position.

This is all about the workout routine of Charlie Heaton.

Charlie Heaton Diet Plan

Charlie Heaton is best known for his role in the TV show Stranger Things. To keep his slim figure, he has a very strict diet plan. The healthy foods that make up most of Charlie Heaton’s diet plan help him stay in shape and look good on camera. Even though eating healthy is a big part of Heaton’s diet plan, that’s not all he does to stay in shape. Heaton not only eats well but also works out often and gets a lot of rest. Heaton can keep his weight steady and stay healthy by sticking to this plan.

Charlie Heaton’s diet plan includes:


  • 2 Boiled Eggs
  • 1 Piece Of Whole Grain Toast With Natural Peanut Butter Or Almond Butter
  • A Hot Cup Of Tea


  • 6 ounces of lean protein sources like grilled fish or chicken
  • ½ medium vegetable with carbs, like steamed broccoli or roasted Brussels sprouts.
  • One Glass Of Water


  • 4-6 soft-cooked egg whites (without the yolk), 1/4 teaspoon turmeric for color
  • One teaspoon of olive oil is split into three parts.
  • ½ small sweet onion, cut into tiny pieces (Optional)
  • 1 little bit of diced green bell pepper (Optional)
  • Any seasonal herb, like cilantro, is finely chopped.

All of this is about the Charlie Heaton Diet Plan.

Last Updated on July 28, 2023 by john liam