Can Everyone Unfocus Their Eyes?

The ability to unfocus your eyes on command is a natural one but everyone can not do it. It is accomplished by having the capacity in order to relax the ciliary muscles in your eyes. It causes them to lose their focusing powers. Unfousing your eyes may be necessary if you are trying to look at up-close objects or hidden images.

Still, not everyone has the potentiality to relax the ciliary muscles needed to help their eyes unfocus. Certain medical or vision conditions may interrupt this process. Other signs of visual damage may accompany the potential to defocus your eyes which you might want to discuss with an opthalmologist.

Here’s what you need to know about unfocusing your eyes and whether you need to see a doctor or not if you are having an obstacle doing it.

What Does This Mean?

Your eyes may contain muscle fibers that help you to see objects up close as well as those that are distant. When you are watching an object or reading material up close, your ciliary muscles contract which gives up lens flexibility so they can convert the shape and help you to focus.

The opposite effect happens when you are trying to unfocus your eyes then the ciliary muscles in your eyes relax. This process also aids you in seeing the objects that are far away. Normally you don’t have to think about whether you need to focus or unfocus your eye because the lenses in your eye automatically adjust so that you can see your best at all distances.

However, some people may find it more difficult to unfocus their eyes. You may be able to tell this is a problem if you are having difficulty in seeing the materials, words, or images when there is a change in distances.

Accommodative Dysfunction

Children and young adults may have a condition like a problem in focusing which is known as accommodative dysfunction. This visual problem may also cause the following symptoms that include the blurry vision, eye strain, difficulty reading and writing, headache, and fatigue.

Children who might have issues unfocusing their eyes might also show some other signs such as avoiding homework, resistance to reading or writing, Inability to follow along while reading, decreased productivity, and inability to pay attention.


As you age, you may lose the ability to focus and unfocus your eye but it does not mean you have accommodative dysfunction. Age-related eye focusing problems are primarily caused by presbyopia. It usually occurs due to the natural change in the eye lens which causes an increased lack of flexibility. This makes it difficult to visualize objects up close and you might find yourself moving screens and reading materials closer to your face so you can see them better.

It is common for adults in order to develop presbyopia after the age of 40. As the condition progresses, you may experience eye strain, headaches, and also blurry vision.

ADHD And The Eyes

Problems with being able to unfocus are connected to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Having an ADHD diagnosis does not mean that you have vision difficulties. Also, having vision problems does not mean you have ADHD either.

One explanation for the study’s finding is the similarity in symptoms of a vision that focuses on the issue and ADHD. This is obvious in children who have problems like finishing their homework, sitting still while reading, and paying attention in class.

It is important to see both a primary doctor and an eye doctor who is an ophthalmologist in order to obtain the correct diagnosis. As some professionals have pointed out the children might be incorrectly diagnosed and treated for ADHD when underlying eye problems may be to blame. It is also likely to have a vision problem and ADHD at the same time.

When To See An Eye Doctor

If you are finding it is increasing and if you have difficulty unfocusing your vision then it is important to consult with an eye doctor. You may not even realize that you have a problem unfocusing your eyes rather than you are experiencing difficulty reading along with the other kind of symptoms.

You should also consider seeing your primary doctor if you have blurry vision and headache which is accompanied by other concerning symptoms such as difficulties or eye discharge which could be the underlying sign of a serious medical problem.

Last Updated on October 11, 2023 by anup